ConGRADulations Ishruna

Monday April 20th, 2020: We are proud to announce that Ishruna successfully defended her Thesis (Waterfall: An online sequential Monte Carlo Strategy for Conformational Sampling) and graduated from her Master of Science in Biophysical Chemistry. Congratulations! We can’t wait to see the amazing things you do next!

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Tanille was elected as the GSA President

Wednesday, March 11th, 2020: Back in March, Tanille was elected the 2020-2021 Graduate Students’ Association President. She is now the official spokesperson of the GSA and represents the collective voice of nearly 7000 graduate students at the University of Calgary at municipal, provincial and federal levels.

The GSA is pleased to congratulate the elected officials: Tanille Shandro as President; Mary Zhang as VP Student Life; Christine Cao as VP External; Alex Paquette as VP Academic; and Brit Paris as the AVP Labour

The GSA is pleased to congratulate the elected officials: Tanille Shandro as President; Mary Zhang as VP Student Life; Christine Cao as VP External; Alex Paquette as VP Academic; and Brit Paris as the AVP Labour

Visiting Nobel Laureate

Prof. Sir. J. Fraser Stoddart PhD from Northwestern University and the Recipient of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry gave a lecture series including His Journey to Stockholm, Science Entrepreneurship, and his Nobel prize winning research on molecular machines. Graduate students were able to meet with Sir Stoddart to ask all of their burning questions related to graduate studies and their own scientific curiosities. Sir Stoddart left an inspiring impression on our students.


BEAKERHEAD2019: Bringing chemistry to the community

Thousands of Calgarians and hundreds of young aspiring scientists joined our lab group at the Calgary Public library during science literacy week for a spectacular Beakerhead event! We put on several interactive and engaging reactions to spark the community’s curiosity to pursue their own scientific endeavors.

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Big Splash at the Annual Biophysical Society Meeting

Few members of our group were able to attend the 2019 Biophysical Society Annual meeting in Baltimore! The meeting is 5 full days of talks, posters and industry showcases with an interdisciplinary focus on life, physical, and computational sciences. We made a big splash with two talks given by myself, and our PhD student, Kari Gaalswyk on integrative modeling approaches. Our two MSc students both presented posters on their work as well! We gained lots of valuable insight on our own projects and we were able to learn first hand of new emerging research in our field!

Apart from science we were able to explore the diverse city of Baltimore and visited Edgar Allen Poe’s home and the National Aquarium!


New Pre-Print

Our latest work “High accuracy protein structures from minimal sparse paramagnetic solid-state NMR restraints” has be posted as a pre-print on bioRXiv.

We applied our MELD methodology to solid-state NMR experiments using paramagnetic relaxation enhancements and show that accurate structures can be modelled with even a small amount of experimental data.

Celebrating an amazing scientist and mentor

It was a great pleasure to visit Arizona State University last weekend to celebrate Ken Dill’s 70th birthday. Thanks very much to fellow Dill group alumni Steve Presse, Banu Ozkan, and Kings Ghosh for organizing.

Ken was my postdoctoral advisor and is an amazing mentor. I owe much of who I am and what I’ve been able to accomplish to Ken. He taught me a great deal, not only about science, but also about people and institutions. Ken’s approach is positive and focused around building consensus and finding mutual benefit, and I try my best to emulate him in this regard.


It was also striking just how many amazing scientists have come through Ken’s lab. It is quite an impressive group that I’m proud to be a part of, with dozens of successful researchers with careers in both academia and industry. Also noteworthy was the overall quality of the presentations. Ken owes much of his success to the ability to communicate complex ideas to broad audiences, and it’s clear that this skill has transferred to those who have worked with him.


The event was a great chance to catch up with old friends and make some new ones. We sometimes forget how important community is to all of us. Science is portrayed as cold and objective, but in practice it’s truly a human endeavour—we depend on each other to advance knowledge. Ken reflected on his own scientific upbringing and how it takes a village to raise a scientist. He also stressed the responsibility that we bear to be defenders of knowledge and of institutions, like universities, in the age of alternative facts.

There is also a special Festschrift issue of J. Phys. Chem. B in Ken’s honour.

Oh, and the weather was pretty good.

Faris interviewed by CBC

Faris Fizal, a high school student who has been working with us since January, was interviewed by the CBC. Faris is preparing for the Sanofi Biogenius Canada competition, where his project involves molecular simulations of natural and engineered variants of hemoglobin to be understand their stability under shear stress, with the ultimate goal to produce synthetic blood replacements.